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Week Beginning: 16/10/23
Whole School Attendance: 93.5%
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Year 1

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Year 2

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Year 3

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Year 4

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Year 5

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Year 6

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Missing School is missing out. All pupils are expected to meet the minimum target of 96%. Pupils not meeting the target may be followed up by the school’s attendance officer.

If you know that your child will be away from school for a genuine reason eg. Illness/hospital appointments then you are asked to contact the School on the first day of absence by telephoning 01902 558375 or by written message to a member of staff.

If no contact is made then you are asked to send your child with a letter explaining the absence on their return. The school uses Health Protection Guidelines for advice on infectious diseases and school attendance.

If it is necessary for a child to leave school during session time, for a doctor’s or dental appointment, etc. It is important that the school should be informed in advance wherever possible. Before collecting your child from the classroom you must report to the office to where your child will be signed out.

School action if your child is absent

If you have not contacted the school, the school will contact you by telephone on the first day of absence. If no personal contact is established after two days and no reason for absence is provided, then a letter will be sent home to you. Home visits will be conducted by the Attendance officer if no contact is made at this point.

 If attendance continues to be a cause for concern you will be invited to discuss the matter with the Headteacher. If there is no improvement in attendance the Education and Family Engagement Officer will visit you and take appropriate action.

Leave of absence

School term dates are always available from the school office or website. They are also available on the Wolverhampton City Council Website.
You should arrange family holidays during school holiday times. The school does not grant leave of absence for family holidays.
The average whole school attendance at Fallings Park Primary School must be at least in line with national average of 96%. In order to address this issue, the Governing body use the Local Authority procedures for Leave of Absence.
It is important to note that ALL leave of absence is recorded as an absence on your child’s attendance record.
If you wish to apply for leave of absence, you must contact the school to complete a Local Authority form. The completed form can only be approved by the Head teacher in exceptional circumstances.
If your child’s attendance falls below our target, action may be taken by the school and local authority education welfare officer.

Persistent Absence

The Department for Education definition of “persistent absence” is any child whose attendance falls below 90%.
Any child whose attendance falls below 90% is classed as a persistent absentee and must be referred to the Local Authority Welfare Officer. This may lead to court action.
In addition, all pupils with 8 or more days of unauthorised absence will receive support from our Attendance Officer. Children who are absent for substantial parts of their education fall behind their friends and struggle to catch up.



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